2024 Artist Community Award

SVAC is launching an annual Artist Community Award to recognize outstanding artist members whose specific efforts help enrich and strengthen SVAC’s creative community. The winner will receive $3,000 in unrestricted funding and an invitation for a solo exhibition in Yester House in 2025. Two runner-ups will each receive $1,000!

Any artist with an active SVAC artist membership is eligible to apply by August 9. We also welcome nominations from anyone. Nominees will be contacted and invited to apply.

A committee comprised of SVAC representatives will select finalists who provide compelling evidence of:

  • Active participation in SVAC’s creative community, and
  • Commitment to SVAC’s mission of promoting and nurturing the arts.

The inaugural winner of the Artist Community Award will be announced at the Beaux Arts Fête on September 7. This award will be an annual tradition!

The winner will also receive:

  • Presentation of the 2024 Artist Community Award
  • Invitation to to give short remarks at the event
  • Dedicated page on the SVAC website with artist bio, statement, and image gallery

All finalists will also receive the following:

  • A complimentary pair of tickets to the Fête
  • Display one-two works of art in the Arkell lobby during Fête
  • Two-year complimentary Artist membership at SVAC
  • Website, social media and email promotion

Click here to APPLY

Click here to NOMINATE an Artist Member

Application/Nomination Timeline:

August 9 – deadline to apply or nominate
August 12 – review period starts
August 23 – notify three finalists
September 7 – announce winner